Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Michael Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone

He was born in July 6, 1946. He is an American actor, filmmaker, and screenwriter. He is well known for his Hollywood action roles.
Before anyone knew him he was a broke struggling actor.
Things were so bad he actually stole his wife's jewelry and sold it. Next he was actually homeless and slept at a bus station for three days with no money for food. His low point came when he sold his dog, whom he loved, at a liquor store for $25 so he could buy food. He walked away from that crying.

Two weeks later he saw one of Mohammad Ali's boxing matches and was inspired to write the script for Rocky. Everyone has heard of the Rocky movies. He labored over the script and got an offer from a studio to buy the script for $125,000. His one request was that he star in the movie as the main character. They said he looked funny and talked funny. They said No. So he walked away with his script. They came back and offered him $250,000 for the script only. He said no. They offered $350,000 for the script only. He said no, and he's still homeless when getting offered this money.
Eventually they offer him $35,000 for the script and let him star as the main character Rocky. The first thing he did with that money was wait at that liquor store for three days waiting to see the man he sold his dog to. He offered $100. The man said no. He offered $200. The man said no. He ended up having to pay $15,000 to get his dog back, but he got his dog back.
When it seems like nothing is working out in life and there is only loss and pain, keep going, dream big, and don't stop until you see those dreams become a reality. This guy went from being homeless to one of the richest and well known actors in the whole world. Don't ever give up on yourself or your dreams, no matter what anyone tells you.
In 2014 Stallone gave a speech and said "I truly believe, it's not about how hard you can hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward because that's really what does make the difference in your life."

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